Rock My Map

Rock My Map   Search for a band and year to map their shows.   Try It OutVote Rock My Map I created Rock My Map for the 2019 MongoDB World Hackathon. I love live music and going to shows, however have never had the luxury of “going on tour” with a band....

FireWater and IBM Sparkathon

I submitted an app called Firewater to the IBM Sparkathon. Firewater is a perfect storm prediction application. Try it out! If you like it Vote and check out a walk through of the app in this video. Share...

Mobilize and IBM Bluemixathon

I submitted an app called Mobilize to the IBM Bluemixathon rescue and recovery hackathon. Mobilize is a Disaster Relief and Recovery Notification System. If you like it please Vote and check out a walk through of the app in...

How to win a hackathon

Having participated in over a dozen hackathons and winning prizes in many of them I always walk away with a feeling of satisfaction. Whether it’s from meeting new people, discovering new development methods and apps, having an epiphany with that new idea or just...

#hack4colorado 2014

It was another great hack weekend at Galvanize in Denver. Hack4Colorado was Colorado’s civic hackday in a nationwide event, We received a “Best in show” and Second place prize telling us there is confidence in our solution...

GovDev Challenge

It was an awesome weekend of straight 24 hour programming. Thanks to Galvanize, Google and the State of Colorado for hosting the #GovDevChallenge and also for awarding us with first place for Challenge #1! GovSafe “GovSafe is the Survivor Assistance Form Editor...