
I went for a bike ride the other day and excited for the nice spring weather and forgot my wallet.

I didn’t realize this until I was a few miles away from the house. I was listening to tunes on my iPhone and remembered Walgreens had Apple Pay. Having a debit card on my phone I was able to get cash back (Walgreens $20 max amount is kinda lame). I did buy two items so could have made two transactions.

My next hurdle was the potential for being carded at the brewery I was biking to. The iOS passport app does not accept drivers licenses, something I hope will change. But the biggest misbelief of bars and breweries is that they need to ID everyone. Don’t get me wrong, the consequences are grave and most places just have a blanket rule. But if someone obviously looks old enough, you ask them if they are old enough and maybe they even have a gray beard, are you really not going to serve that person if they don’t have an ID? Key phrase in the law, “should check for proof of age if there is any doubt”.

Let me share this important paragraph from the Colorado Department of Revenue Liquor Enforcement Division Licensee Handbook. As it is at the discretion of the establishment to do this.

Do Patrons have to produce identification, and what kinds of identification can I accept?

Colorado law does not require a patron to produce identification when making a purchase of alcohol beverages. Colorado law does not prohibit underage persons (those persons under the age of 21 years) from entering or remaining in a licensed establishment. However, Colorado law does prohibit any licensed establishment from selling, serving, or giving alcohol beverages to an underage person. Licensees should always check for acceptable proof of age if there is any doubt about the age of the patron. If an acceptable proof of age is not available from the questionable patron, no service or sale should be provided.

source “Colorado Department of Revenue Liquor Enforcement Division”

Anyway, luckily I was a regular and didn’t need to remind anyone of this law 🙂